1. And you may ask yourself, "Well... how did I get here?" (Tell us your journey?)
I used to work the kind of job where it felt like I was selling my soul to the devil. I watched the clock until it was time to leave and there was no passion in what I was doing. I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life or how I was going to be successful. My friends were all finding success in their careers and I wanted that too.
One day, on an absolute whim, I quit my job and became a kayak guide here in San Diego. College degreed and all! I couldn’t take the 9-5 office lifestyle anymore and it felt like the right move to put me on a path to something bigger. I was blown away working outside everyday, especially by our encounters with super pods of dolphins and gray whales. My colleagues and I would stay after work for a 3 mile open ocean swim where great white sharks lurked (granted they were only juvenile sharks).
After some time, I was ready to get back into the work force. This time with a purpose: environmental conservation. I was able to combine my skillset and passion through sales and sustainability. I helped large organizations with zero waste initiatives and had three senior reps take me under their wings: Spencer, Vanessa, and Annette. I learned so much from these three and they were pivotal guides in my professional life. I was awarded salesperson of the year from my company which ultimately led me to working in climate tech. I feel like I'm on a rocket ship and cannot wait to work every single day!

2. And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile. (What do you do at Persefoni?)
I work under Anne Reaney’s team who leads global sales. Every single day I get to interact with prospects who are ready to streamline their carbon accounting and sustainability reporting. I love getting to see their reaction to how Persefoni’s software will make their work lives more effective. Sustainability professionals would much rather be spending their time on ESG/decarbonization strategy and out of cumbersome spreadsheets. Many want to feel confident that the data they report on or announce publicly is accurate. No matter the specific use case – I’m in this role for the relationship development and the personal satisfaction of helping companies meet their sustainability goals. I love getting to work here every day and learning under Anne’s world-class leadership.

3. And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go to?" (What are your hopes for your time at Persefoni?
I love being in a client facing role and discussing how our product can continue to advance based on what I’m learning. Namely, discovering what we can do together as partners so that our prospects or clients can: set and effectively track a Science-based target, get an A score in CDP, streamline reporting to TCFD or SASB, become a sustainability leader in their sector, and/or they themselves win a sustainability award. As our industry evolves, I want to be there with our partners every step of the way and help them achieve their professional dreams.
4. And you may say to yourself, "My God! What have I done?" (Why is Persefoni a great home for you?)
I have become utterly fascinated by climate tech. Persefoni is full of highly talented individuals who are working together for the greater good of humanity. It’s not just the software that we provide, it’s the collective brain power behind the company. Working with my colleagues has accelerated my growth as an individual and I’m thrilled to learn every day with this remarkable team.

5. And you may find yourself in another part of the world... (Tell us about your life/hobbies away from work?)
I have a knack for doing uncomfortable things. I love a good suffer-fest purely for the euphoric feeling after! I’ve studied under guidance of a shaman for a year to learn about the inner-workings of ancient shamanic healing. I’ve dabbled in Ironman and completed my first full Ironman this past summer in Coeur d’Alane. Additionally, my wife and I are avid travelers and fulfill our love of exploring in nature through camping and hiking with our three-year-old TWINS (ah!). Hot yoga sculpt is a regular practice. Sign me up for anything that involves pushing my mind and body to the limits for personal/professional development!

“Once in a Lifetime" is a series of articles designed to help our customers and partners learn more about Persefoni's truly passionate team. We're not just building award-winning software ... together, we're helping to decarbonize our planet.